Camino Stages

Camino Stages
This map is set up for a 40 day trek, since there was no senior staging map available, probably for an obvious reason. We will post the individual maps as we progress, starting sometime during the first week in May, so "Stay Tuned".

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Laying low in Leon

Hi All
While Phil and Mikki have been trudging along through rain, sleet and snow, 16 miles days, etc. We " K & G  have been riding the "red cross express" for the walking wounded.
Plagued with a face plant, subsequent back issues, tendinitis, blister, shin splints, out total mileage to date is a meager 175.5.
Phil and Mikki have passed 300!!
We have  other body parts flirting with failure, specifically knees and ankles.  We have made many new best friends among the walking wounded.   As we meet at the next bus stop, it's like old home week, and we brag about how few rest days we needed to heal to continue the walk.
(For those of a certain age, it is shocking to see that even the young are afflicted). 
Off from Leon on Thursday with a"see you soon" to our bus friends.
Karen and Guy

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about all your injuries. Do you ever think about the book, Wild & the character in the book? Hopefully you guys will get healed up & can put some miles on your boots.
    Take care.
